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wAwB wCwD wEwF wGwH wIwJ wKwL wMwN wOwP wQwR wSwT wUwV wWwX wYwZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SKY-TOUCH +watch 14
SONAREX watch cases +clock 14
STANDARD watch cases +watch 20
STANDARD watch cases +watch 20
SUN SUI quartz +sun & watch 14
THE WATCH GALLERY +watch 14, 35, 37
TIME GALLERY +watch & stars 14
TIMEX ply +tree & watch 19
TIXAN GOLD +watch & dinosau 3
UMA watch case 14
UV NAV YUG watch cases +ova 14
W2O/weight on watch 5
WATCH +watch 34
WATCH GHARI +watch 34
WRIST WATCH bidi +watch 34
ghada detergent +watch & po 12
rabbit & watch 3, 30
wrist watch straps 30
weight watchers 5, 29
A ACME watches 14
AMRO watches 14
ARROW watches 14
AW ALEX quartz watches 14
CANON watches +watch 14
CLASSIC watches +spiral 14
CLIMEX watches 14
CQ CONIC watches & clocks 14
GUTS watches 14
LIMAR watches +arcs 14
LIZARD watches 14
MARVEL deluxe watches 14
MECH SEAL watches 14
SECTOR sport watches +bird 14
SONA watches 14
TAYOMA +watches & cogwheel 12
V VISAGE watches +oval 14
VENUS TIME +watches 14
VENUS quartz cases +watches 14
VRC french fashion watches 14
mx watches 14
v VISAGE watches +oval 14
water BOY +boy & oval 32
water DOCTOR 11
water FORD 33
water GUARD 7
water HOME 11
water IS LIFE ... 7
water JEL +drop 5
water KING 7
water MAX 32
water NET (DEVICE) 11
water PLUS 7
water PLUS +cross & drop 32
water SHINE 11
water SOFT 3
water TIME +drops & square 32
water VALLEY 32
water WONDERFUL WORLD +drop 9, 11
water bliss 32
water care +pipes 17
water filter 7, 11, 21, 35
water kingdom +waterfall 2
water pure +drop & ovals 1, 11
water-JEL 9
24 CARATS drinking water 32
7 STAR drinking water +star 32
7 rose water +flowers 3
7-SPRINGS drinking water 32
751 packaged drinking water 32
A ACQA mineral water 32
A AIWA drinking water +oval 32
A AKSHAYA water pumps +leaf 7
A.U. hydrus drinking water 32
water 32
water 32
AB AQUABREEZ water purifier 11
ABHIRAMI drinking water 32
water 32
ADDITION drinking water 32
ADHYA pure water 32
AE AMOGHA drinking water 32
AF AQUAFRESH water purifier 35
AFFSA drinking water 32
AFRO pure drinking water 32
AGUAR purest drinking water 32
AISH drinking water 32
AISIN water pump 7
AIWAPRIME water based cemen 2
AJMAL mineral water 32
AKKSHEYA mineral water 32
AKSHITA aqua drinking water 32
AKSHTA AQUA drinking water 32
AL-MAA drinking water 32
ALAGAR mineral water 32
ALAGU rain drinking water 32
ALEXIN water purifiers +arc 11
ALFA water tank 11
ALKALIME water 32
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